Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fallen banyan trees on the way home...
New leaves are growing on them, even though they've been uprooted.

View of the Karachi University Botanical Garden from the ISPA (observatory) in KU.

Dr. Mahmud Hussain Library, near the Central Canteen of Karachi University, famous for the Rs. 1 samosas, indifferent to inflation, but even they had to increase their prices recently.

Department of Criminology, Karachi University on August 14, 2008.

International Centre for Pakistan Studies, Karachi University.

LEJ Digital Library, Karachi University.

The derelict Prem Gali, (Lovers' Lane) Karachi University.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The storm of June 24, 2007, took down a lot of these hundred year old Banyan Trees in KU which have been growing in Karachi since even before Pakistan became an independent republic. Wanted to keep these pictures here just in case more storms come our way. This one tree is fairly young, the old ones are long gone.

Near the Pharmacy Department where there is a heavy dose of Rangers on the side (not pictured).

The Valika Playground, Karachi University. The match was cancelled due to rain.

This is the Karachi University Business School blog (essentially) but, I will be posting KU pictures here as well. This blog is just meant to keep the events at the Karachi University Business School streamlined.

I wanted to start this blog on August 14, Independence Day, making it more symbolic, but oh well, had to start somewhere. Here's are some pictures from the celebrations of August 14, 2008. Karachi University looked impeccable. Worn down... Yes. But always surviving somehow.